ASM Microbe 2018 is in Atlanta this year starting June 7
th through June 11
th. LabRoots will be there so please come visit! The American Society of Microbiology hosts the annual Microbe conference to connect scientists with the best microbial science in the world and provide a platform for attendees to explore the complete spectrum of microbiology from basic science to translation and application.
LabRoots will be in the exhibit hall to meet our current and new users and discuss what you like or would like to see from the site. We will be at booth #2617. When you visit, you can relax on the couch, have a snack, and also receive a
free t-shirt!

In addition to a great exhibition (if we do say so ourselves), ASM Microbe will have career talks, workshops, literature reviews, meet the expert sessions, new agents discovery, plenary sessions, poster sessions and talks, rapid fire talks, a president’s forum, symposia, and a track hub! Many of these events are informal and interactive, offering a chance for you to share information, ask questions, and learn from instructors and experts who have in-depth experience in the field. Others will be lectures and presentations given by well-known speakers to expand scientific knowledge and present new trends in microbiology.
Don’t miss the 2018 keynote session given by Anne Schuchat, M.D., Principal Deputy Director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Rear Admiral for the U.S. Public Health Service. Dr. Schuchat had key roles in various CDC emergency responses, including the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza response, the 2003 SARS outbreak in Beijing, and the 2001 bioterrorist anthrax response. She has also been involved in meningitis, pneumonia and Ebola vaccine trials in West Africa, and conducted surveillance and prevention projects in South Africa.
LabRoots looks forward to seeing you there!