In these webinars you will find current scientific breakthroughs in biology, botany and zoology and the part plants and animals play in evolution and ecology along with research devoted to the environmental impact related to these species.
A venous blood gas is a powerful tool for the assessment and monitoring of animals with urgent or emergent conditions. It requires a very small volume of blood, making it feasible in the sma...
Join us for an enlightening session on the latest advancements in organoid research and drug discovery! Discover transformative applications, emerging trends, and common challenges in organo...
Single-cell analysis is a new and rapidly growing field that is shedding new insight into the cellular mechanisms behind the pathogenesis and treatment of infectious diseases and cancer. Cel...
Trees get diseases too! For the molecular research scientists that identify and provide management recommendations for plant diseases that impact trees and other woody plants, tools specific...
As sessile organisms, plants are incredibly mindful of their time. As a result, they extensively regulate cellular and physiological processes through a combination of circadian (anticipator...
The webinar on the Zoetis and Genedata collaboration will cover key topics such as the challenges in biotherapeutic research, data management issues, and the need for centralized data. Atten...
Developing and validating RUO targeted quantitative methods for clinical applications presents many challenges to researchers. Resulting LC-MSn methods cover diverse molecular classes of com...
Class II Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs) are a staple in basic science laboratories. With many choices available, it can be difficult to select a BSC that provides the safest, smartest experience....
In this webinar, we will discuss the technique of critical point drying for the preparation of biological and materials science samples for electron microscopy. As hydrated samples cannot ge...
The cellular physiology of microbes can vary significantly within a population, even when exposed to identical external conditions. Recent theoretical and experimental studies have shown tha...
Thermo Fisher Scientific has been working with KOLs and leading researchers for over the past 10 years to develop publicly available catalog Axiom microarray and AgriSeq targeted sequencing...
Join us for a whimsical and educational journey into the microscopic world of RNA in our upcoming webinar. This engaging session tells the story of an RNA molecule and its friends from their...
1) Microscope slides and coverglass are used in many parts of the lab while knowledge of how these items are made and the technical properties they have is limited. 2) By not understanding t...
Discover advanced digital ultramicrotomy tools for fast and accurate automated sectioning and start 3D volume acquisition directly where it matters. In this webinar, we will discuss applicat...
Nucleic acid extraction is a fundamental step in unlocking the genetic information contained within biological samples. Isolated nucleic acids are the basis for a multitude of analyses and a...
Lyophilization, or freeze drying, is a common laboratory technique used in a wide range of applications. Tissues, vaccines, food, chemical compounds, circuit boards, artifacts and more can a...
Metabolomics research involves two approaches: untargeted analysis, which provides a broad overview of molecular changes but lacks precision, and targeted analysis, which focuses on specific...
Microscopy involves the study of organisms too small to see with the naked eye, magnifying the small worlds within our own so we can study and understand these samples. Organs, tissues and c...
Proteins are the workhorses of cells and provide vital insights to cell health and disease function. Immunoassays and mass spectrometry are well established methods for studying proteins and...
Light-sheet microscopy is a rapidly developing field thanks to the numerous benefits and vast number of implementations when imaging with a light sheet. However, these benefits are best real...
Neuroscience focuses on the study of the nervous system: a highly complex, dense, and organized network stretching across the whole body of most organisms. Due to this neuroscience can be a...
As the demand for renewal fuel feedstocks continues to grow, non-food feedstocks production must significantly increase to meet demand. Winter oilseeds grown in cooler climates provide oppor...
The Class II Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) is an important tool in the life science laboratory, offering protection for both samples and personnel. But with so many choices of BSCs available, sele...
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells change and adapt to their environments in ways that genomic characterization methods do not fully capture or predict. Even strains of the same species of mic...
Feeding the world in the midst of climate change and an ever-growing population demands scientists have access to scalable, flexible and sustainable genomic tools that add value to animal br...
Genetics may influence experience with cannabis and CBD. With increased access to legal cannabis and the research community expanding their focus on the medicinal uses of cannabinoids, more...
Imagine if your doctor told you, or your mother, or your child, that you have a serious infection. Imagine that they told you that you needed an antibiotic, but didn’t tell you which o...