You talked and we listened… The story is the same. You go to a conference to present your research and, of course, visit the LabRoots booth to pick up a free t-shirt. You walk around the corner and there it is, a line a mile long (or might as well be) of your like-minded colleagues waiting for that new coveted shirt design. But the conference is only three days, and once the t-shirts are gone, they are gone!
Well, we changed all that. Here is your chance to get your LabRoots t-shirt in the style you like. Introducing the new online
LabRoots Store!
LabRoots is pleased to announce the opening of the new LabRoots Store. Visit us online and browse through 15 designs to find your favorite LabRoots t-shirt. These can now be delivered right to your door. Buy presents for the lab, or outfit the whole family. Is a colleague’s birthday coming up? Consider a t-shirt that matches their research.

As always, LabRoots users can expect only the best from the store, as with the website. Regular updates and additions to the store will provide new designs as they are introduced. As with our virtual events, webinars and trending news, the store will utilize the LabRoots cutting edge technology and design. Users can register and purchase seamlessly with their computer, tablet or mobile device.
labroots.com/store now!