Liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) is ideally suited for the direct and rapid analysis of prepared biological samples. While analysis times can be shortened through appropriate LC method choices, a user is often interested in only a portion of the total data collected by an LC/MS system. Typically, there is time during each chromatographic separation where no compounds of interest are being analyzed by the mass spectrometer, leaving the instrument under-utilized. The Agilent StreamSelect LC/MS Solution eliminates instrument idle time and maximizes productivity using highly integrated, intuitive software that allows users to run parallel HPLC streams in a staggered fashion. This system can provide up to four times the throughput of a traditional LC/MS system while remaining compatible with existing LC/MS methods. Through this presentation, attendees will learn about the various workflows supported by the Agilent StreamSelect LC/MS system and the quantitative performance achieved with this instrument.