FEB 05, 2014 6:00 PM PST

Approaches to Vendor Assessment in Biomedical Research



For the purpose of ensuring research integrity, data reproducibility, and animal welfare, institutions that conduct animal research have the responsibility to evaluate vendors that provide laboratory animals, diet, bedding, and other products that have the potential to impact study outcome. Vendor assessment is therefore an integral component of any research institution's Animal Care and Use Program. The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate the approaches to vendor qualification, including key areas to focus on, types of questions to ask, what to look for during facility tours, and post-visit follow-up expectations. By the end of the session, attendees should gain a better understanding of the vendor evaluation process, and be able to assess whether current internal qualification program will meet animal user expectations.

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FEB 05, 2014 6:00 PM PST

Approaches to Vendor Assessment in Biomedical Research

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