SEP 20, 2023 1:00 PM ET

When to Choose a Chromogenic over Clotting-Based Method in Coagulation Factor Testing: Indications & Considerations

Sponsored by: Diagnostica Stago, Inc.
C.E. Credits: P.A.C.E. CE Florida CE
  • Morayma Reyes-Gil, MD

    Director of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Labs, Cleveland Clinic, Robert J. Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute

In clinical laboratory settings, coagulation factor tests are routinely conducted to identify inherited or acquired deficiencies in patients suspected of an ongoing bleeding risk. These tests encompass both clotting-based and chromogenic assay formats, calibrated to quantify coagulation factor levels as a percentage. One significant application of coagulation factor assays is in diagnosing hemophilia, an inherited disorder characterized by insufficient or nonfunctional coagulation factors. Contemporary treatments for hemophilia, which belong to newer generations, might potentially disrupt one or more clotting-based coagulation factor methods, necessitating the adoption of a chromogenic assay instead. Our upcoming webinar aims to deliver a comprehensive overview of coagulation factor testing techniques, while also offering guidance on selecting between clotting and chromogenic assays based on clinical case studies.


Learning Objectives
  • Present an overview of coagulation factors, highlighting the role of low factor levels in hemophilia and related disorders.
  • Compare clotting vs. chromogenic factor assay methods.
  • Highlight case studies featuring the role of coagulation factor assays in the clinical setting.

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