Navigating In Vitro Hemolysis in Clinical Chemistry Testing: From Causes to Solutions

C.E. Credits: P.A.C.E. CE Florida CE


Hemolysis is a common pre-analytical variable that can lead to inaccurate results, specimen rejection, and specimen recollection in the clinical laboratory. Hemolysis is most often an in vitro phenomenon, usually occurring due to specimen handling. In this presentation, we will review common pre-analytical causes of hemolysis and how hemolysis impacts different clinical chemistry analytes. The presentation will conclude by discussing Special Handling Instructions (SHI), a sample handling process that was developed to reduce hemolysis in samples collected from hospitalized patients with repeatedly hemolyzed specimens. Data from a study that evaluated the effectiveness of SHI to reduce hemolysis will be shared.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe common preanalytical causes of hemolysis
  • Describe how and why hemolysis interferes with the measurement of different clinical chemistry analytes
  • Review strategies to reduce hemolysis in repeatedly hemolyzed specimens

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