JAN 23, 2025 7:27 AM PST

Does Medical Cannabis Reduce Prevalence and Intensity of Suicidal Thoughts?

WRITTEN BY: Kerry Charron

A British study found that patients prescribed cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs) minimize the prevalence and intensity of suicidal thoughts. The 12-month prospective study published in the journal Archives of Suicide Research provides valuable insights into how medical cannabis might reduce the risk of self-harm and suicide.

The United Kingdom legalized medical cannabis in 2018 for patients with certain health conditions and those who are unresponsive to conventional medications. Medical cannabis clinics have reported significant increases in patients seeking CBMPs. Approximately one-third of UK patients seek medical cannabis to treat mental conditions such as anxiety or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 

The researchers analyzed rates of suicidal ideation (SI) in a cohort of patients approved to use medical cannabis. The research team assessed observational data for 3,781 patients at entry to treatment, 2,112 patients at three months, and 777 patients at 12 months. In addition, the team evaluated self-reported depressed mood and suicidal ideation using items from the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). 

The findings indicated a reduction in both the percentage of the sample reporting suicidal ideation and the mean severity of suicidal ideation after three months of medical cannabis treatment. A twelve-month follow-up showed a significant reduction in depressed mood. Those who reported suicidal ideation at baseline showed a more pronounced reduction. 

The study highlighted that SI is common among patients seeking CBMPs for chronic mental and physical conditions. Various research studies have found that medical cannabis safely and effectively decreases chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. Since SI is associated with higher levels of depressed mood and poorer quality of life, CBMPs can potentially improve the quality of life for many patients. As one of the first observational studies of medical cannabis's effectiveness in decreasing suicidal ideation, this study provides a critical foundation for future research on the role of CBMPs in treating depression and SI. 

Sources: Archives of Suicide Research, BBC, NORML

About the Author
Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
Kerry Charron writes about medical cannabis research. She has experience working in a Florida cultivation center and has participated in advocacy efforts for medical cannabis.
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