Labroots is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Bioprocessing Virtual Event! Join us for this free, one-day event on April 7, 2021 as we discuss upstream and downstream processing, analytical development and quality, formulation and stability, cell and gene therapy production, and manufacturing.
This year's event includes the following topics:
Upstream Processing
- Cell Culture Optimization and Cell Line Development
- Bioproduction: Scale, Bioreactors and Disposables
Downstream Processing
- Continuous Processing
- Advances in Purification and Recovery
- Detection and Characterization of Impurities in Biologics
Analytical & Quality
- Analytical Development
- Characterization of Novel Biotherapeutics
- Process Characterization & Control
- Rapid Methods to Access Quality and Stability of Biologics
Cell and Gene Therapies
- Cell Therapy Manufacturing/Analytics
- Gene Therapy Manufacturing/Analytics
- Regulations and Standards
- Vaccine Manufacturing
- Digital Biomanufacturing
Our virtual conference allows you to participate in a global setting with no travel or cost to you. The event will remain open for 2 years from the date of the live event, and the webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing. This virtual conference also offers increased reach for the global microbiology community with a high degree of interaction through live-streaming video and chat sessions.
Like the 2020 conference, this event will be produced on our robust platform, allowing you to watch, learn and connect seamlessly across all desktop or mobile devices. Equipped with gamification and point system, you can now move around the entire event, earning points for a chance to win one of LabRoots' most popular T-shirts.

Call for Posters — Virtual poster sessions offer the opportunity to present data to a global audience via a PDF poster and video summary, and discuss results with interested colleagues through email. Plan now to have your poster included in the 2021 BioProcessing Virtual Event. Submission is free. Submit your abstract here.
Continuing Education
LabRoots is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. By attending this event, you can earn 1 Continuing Education credit per presentation for a maximum of 35 credits.
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