Bio-Techne is proud to provide a first glimpse into the power and performance of the Leo™ System using several assay models as it hits the market. Data highlights include throughput, sensitivity, dynamic range, assay transferability from other Simple Western™ Systems and more. This webinar will demonstrate the utility of Leo for analytical grade protein quantitation in several key application areas such as Cell and Gene Therapy, Targeted Protein Degradation, and mechanism of action studies.
Simple Western Technology provides automated western analysis using capillary electrophoresis for protein separation followed by immunoassay-based detection within a fully enclosed system, providing size resolution and more precise protein quantitation than traditional western blotting due to its controlled and standardized operating conditions. Simple Western Systems such as Wes, Jess and Abby have been widely adopted as they offer reproducible protein quantitation and have been cited in > 3000 publications. However, the throughput of these systems is limited. Leo, the newest addition to the Simple Western family offers the ability to process up to 96 samples in a 3-hour run, providing the throughput and experimental size required for analytical grade protein quantitation.